Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nachos Dulces

flour tortillas
sugar/cinnamon mixture
canola oil spray
vanilla ice cream
honey butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line your cookie sheet with foil. That way it is easier to clean up. Spray both sides of your tortillas with the canola oil spray. Sprinkle only one side of each tortilla with cinnamon & sugar mixture. Cut into 8 slices using a pizza cutter or a knife.
Bake for about 10 minutes. The tortillas need to be crispy like chips, but make sure the sugar doesn't burn. Once they are finished cooking, put the tortilla "chips" on a plate. Drizzle honey butter on the chips, scoop your vanilla ice cream on top and then sprinkle a little more cinnamon and sugar on top.

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